1960 to 1969


College benefactor Peter Wege, circa 1960. Wege took a leave of absence from Steelcase Corporation in 1959 to supervise the development campaign and the construction of Albertus Magnus Hall of Science and the House of Studies.

This 1960 photo from The Thomist shows students studying in the library, by then located 在行政大楼.


Albertus Magnus Hall of Science opens for classes in September. 这座建筑是专用的 由大急流城主教艾伦J. 巴布科克. 献辞全文. 威廉 A. 阿,华莱士.P. 名为“圣. 阿尔伯特与现代科学.“为了感谢彼得 Wege's service to Aquinas, the building is dedicated to the memory of his parents, Mr. 和夫人. 老彼得·韦格.
To hear physics professor Chuck Frydrych reminisce about the opening days of Albertus 和1960年代的科学学院, 点击这里. This audio link is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.
A language lab with 42 private acoustic-walled booths is installed. 语言教 include French, Spanish, German and Swahili, taught by a student from Tanganyika. Some college classes are offered on closed-circuit TV, and Aquinas drama students 在木电视上表演.
The House of Studies opens for 多米尼加 姐妹 in training to live on campus. 姐妹 begin living and studying in the building in November. 在20世纪60年代,同样多 有70个姐妹住在这里. In the early 1980's, the building is sold to the college and becomes Hruby Hall, a residence and office building.
A graduate institute in theology for religious sisters is begun, later to become the Aquinas Institute of Religious Studies (AIRS). Graduate programs in history and English are begun and masters degrees are offered in those fields until 1967. (这些项目 都停产了.)
Throughout the 1960s, The Yacht Club, in the nearby Eastown neighborhood, provides off-campus entertainment for students, and a challenge for directors of student life.
To hear Betty Jennings, former Aquinas faculty member, reminisce about her days policing The Yacht Club on Wealthy Street with Dean of Women Gertrude Horgan, 点击这里. This audio clip is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.
President Bukowski announces that college enrollment tops 1,000 for the first time 在历史上. 48% of the student body is from out of town. 学院有74名雇员 全职教师.


1961 首页coming Queen Judy Martin and her court pose for their royal portrait.

Fans beat the drum for the Tommies at this 1961 sporting event.

Chris Longcore gets into the spirit of Gala Weekend 1961 by purchasing a hat from 多明尼加姐妹会的帽子摊.

 Baseball and golf teams win city championships in 1961. 体育运动蓬勃发展 1960's, with basketball star Dennis Alexander scoring a career total of 2,034 points, and John Kurzynowski winning the NCAA college division national championship in golf in 1964. The 十大赌博正规平台在线 golf teams in these 一年s regularly are nationally ranked and get the nickname "The Yankees of the North" for their winning ways. 在这 time, Aquinas joins the National Association of Intercollegiate 体育运动 (NAIA) when the NCAA and NAIA rule that colleges cannot hold membership in both conferences.
"Orbit," a collection of student creative writing, is published. 电影节带来 foreign films to campus, some of them controversial, like Bergman's "Virgin Spring."

Tommies fans get swept up in the action, 1961.

十大赌博正规平台在线 plays before a packed house in this 1962 game against longtime rivals 卡尔文学院.

1962 to 1963


The Tommies and the Knights go for the ball in '62.


 Regina Hall opens as a residence for women students.
A Michigan Historical Marker is unveiled in central campus to commemorate the 40th 一年 of 十大赌博正规平台在线 as an institution of higher education, and the 75th anniversary of its founding as Novitiate Normal School. 布考斯基主教庆祝他的25岁生日 担任学院院长一年.

Gertrude Horgan and other dignitaries and students break ground

在老. Mary de Chantal Luke and Jack Rang, the 十大赌博正规平台在线 theater program takes off, memorably staging "The Importance 关于认真" (1962) and "A Man for All Seasons" (1964), as well as many other works of classic and contemporary theater. In 1962, the 十大赌博正规平台在线 theater presented Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest" at the Civic Theater in downtown Grand Rapids.

 圣. Albertus Magnus, carved by American Seating Company's master 雕刻家罗伯特E. Hellem, is added to the entrance of Albertus Magnus Hall of Science.
Radio station WXTO continues operating in the tower of the Administration Building. The station is a collaborative effort with the Grand Rapids Catholic Diocese and is 由休·迈克尔·比汉神父执导. It offers quality music, news, and commentary, and provides media training for students.

Gwendolyn and Cecily make up in 1962's "The Importance

Students gather at "The Hub" of campus life in 1963 for a

The College purchases Willowbrook, a large house on Robinson Road adjacent to campus, to serve as a residence for senior women. (男生继续住在校外.)

At left: Students staged a fundraiser in 1963 for a service trip to Bogota, Colombia. Operation Latin America, a service trip to Bogota, Colombia, is organized by Gertrude 霍根(不在图中). The College undertook later service projects in Guatemala and 阿巴拉契亚,由布可夫斯基总统领导.

 Vatican II brings about changes in liturgy and nuns' habits. 普世的和跨信仰的 dialogues take place with members of various Christian denominations and other religions.

1964 to 1966


St. Joseph the Worker Hall opens in September for men students to live on campus. Located next to Wilcox Park, it is far from Regina Hall, the women's residence hall. 代替父母 rules were in place governing student behavior, with strict curfews and dress codes.

To hear alumni Patricia Kozal, Peg Duva and John and Katy McDonald talk about life 这些年在宿舍里, 点击这里. This audio clip is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

The turbulent 1960s bring the first of many protest marches. 多明尼加姐妹 1964年的民权大游行.

Errol Harvey directs traffic on Fulton Street as students eagerly await a surprise campaign visit by vice-presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey in 1964.


Ground breaking for Wege Center takes place on March 10, 1965. 上图是 Student Senate officers (left to right): Max Otto, Tamara Paul, Alfred Liu, and Garry Fewless. (Liu later becomes the architect for the Art and Music Center.)

大急流城主教艾伦. 巴布科克投入
St. 约瑟夫工人大厅,1965年.

 In his annual report, Monsignor Bukowski noted that "Wege Center, practically from the day it opened, became a student center in truth, with hardly a week or weekend going by without some student club or organization sponsoring an activity.”音乐会, Gala Weekend, plays, the annual Carousel of the 艺术, and lectures by visiting scholars 定期填满建筑物.


Students line up to register for classes in 1966.

The final building of the 1960's campus building boom is the Physical Education and Assembly Building which opens with a basketball game pitting the Tommies against the 加尔文学院骑士. In a good omen for the Aquinas sports teams, the Tommies win that first-ever contest in the new building.

一个学术弥撒在附近的圣. Thomas the Apostle parish with Monsignor Bukowski 主持.

1967 to 1969


In 1967, 十大赌博正规平台在线 engineering students build this bridge over Coldbrook stream.

The Carriage House is renovated to make it into a theater. 为产品设置 in the round, the theater remains vital for nearly ten 一年s until fire code changes force the closing of the building in the early 1970's. 这里是十大赌博正规平台在线剧院 students go classical with this 1967 production of Moliere's "Tartuffe" in the intimate 马车剧院.


  At left: The 马车剧院 provides an intimate venue for productions such this 1967 staging of Dylan Thomas's          Under Milkwood, with faculty member Herb Martin (seated) and (l to r) Jim Milanowski, 威廉 Schultz, Roberta Zimber, and    特蕾莎Grywalski.


Monsignor Bukowski announces his planned retirement, to be effective the following 一年. The 校董会 sets up a search committee to find his replacement.

Students perfect their life drawing in this 1968 art class.

Monsignor Bukowski receives Lear Siegler Inc.’s gift of an analog computer in spring 1968. As Monsignor Bukowski prepared to retire, the world of education was about to 永远改变.
At left: In the activist 1960s, student marches were common, but this one as Monsignor 退休的布考斯基有一种节日的感觉. On January 29, 1969, students stage a spontaneous farewell demonstration for Monsignor Bukowski. “孟巴克”的庆祝活动引起了轰动 and national radio commentator Paul Harvey noted it as a rare example of a peaceful 1969年的学生游行. 退休后,奥巴马先生. 布考斯基花了一年时间 in Appalachia doing missionary work, then returned as a priest to the Grand Rapids 教区,在圣. 约瑟夫神学院. 他于1989年10月10日去世.

Laymen are admitted to 校董会 for the first time. 非专业人士谘询委员会 has existed since the 1940's but this move inches the College closer to the eventual legal separation of the college from the 多米尼加 姐妹 of Grand Rapids and to 独立的董事会.
To hear alumnus Russ Hogan talk about this student uprising, 点击这里. This audio clip is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

When Monsignor Bukowski retires in 1969, students stage a spontaneous "protest,"
storming the president's office and escorting him around campus in the back of a convertible 高喊着“我的武家”! 我的武家!"

Monsignor Bukowski's portrait at the time of his retirement, 1969.
2月:博士. Norbert Hruby (pictured at left) is selected by the 校董会 to replace Monsignor Bukowski as the second president of 十大赌博正规平台在线.
In his inaugural address, Hruby calls for an institutional self-study that will be a comprehensive revisioning process for the entire College. 自学,协调 by professor Lee Jacokes, involves extensive meetings and discussions among students, faculty, administrators and an outside board. 自学全国咨询委员会 成员有博士. 罗伯特T. Blackburn, Professor for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Michigan; The Reverend Carl Hangartner S.J.教育学教授 在圣. Louis University; Dr. Ann Heiss, Center for Research and Development in Higher Education at University of California Berkley; Dr. 奈维特·桑福德,心理学教授 and Education, Stanford University; and Dr. 约翰F.A. 哲学教授泰勒 密歇根州立大学. This 15-month process yields a new curriculum, new rules and a new college governance structure that will guide Aquinas through the turbulent 20世纪70年代及以后.
In his first 一年, Hruby creates Encore, a degree completion program for mature women 并授权R教授.J. Bennett to create an evening degree program in business 和会计.