1886 to 1939



多米尼加 Sisters from New York, under the leadership of 十大赌博登录官网塔·菲格勒母亲, establish the Novitiate Normal School in Traverse City to train members of the order 教学. 学院 dates its origin from the admission of the first new postulant, Josephine Gagnier (later Sister Henrietta), to the order which became independent in 1885 when the 大急流城 diocese was formed as an entity independent of the old Detroit diocese which had once controlled the entire state of Michigan. 正常的 

School grew quickly as the 多米尼加 sisters teaching ministry expanded throughout 密歇根北部和西部.
Photo at right: 十大赌博登录官网塔·菲格勒母亲 led a group of five young nuns to Traverse City in 1877 and founded what would become Novitiate Normal School in 1886. 正常的 学校最终演变成十大赌博正规平台在线.


Bishop Henry Joseph Richter asks 多米尼加 sisters to come to 大急流城 to staff 这是密歇根州西部的第一个孤儿之家. 约翰的家. 最终, the sisters move their mother house and Novitiate Normal School to 大急流城. By 1914, over 300 sisters who had been trained at the Novitiate Normal School are teaching in 38 parochial schools in Michigan, and run academies in Traverse City, Essexville, 和大急流城.

Sisters who were trained at Novitiate Normal School taught at Catholic elementary 密歇根州的学校. 图中,伯赫曼斯姐妹和雷金纳德姐妹坐在马车上 在圣. 卡森市的玛丽学院. 两个身份不明的姐妹站在后面 栅栏. Novitiate Normal School evolved into Sacred Heart, then Marywood College with 从1922年开始招收非专业女性.

At right: These 多米尼加 sisters and three friars, pictured in 1920, completed their 圣母大学的学士学位. 越来越多的姐妹 who needed four-year degrees eventually led to the founding of 十大赌博正规平台在线. 几个 of these sisters later joined the faculty of Catholic Junior College and 十大赌博正规平台在线.


Sacred Heart (later Marywood) College grows out of the Novitiate Normal School and is chartered by the state of Michigan as a two year college for women. 学院 is located at the newly-constructed Marywood motherhouse on East Fulton Street, on 大急流城的边缘. 前三名女教友被录取了 the two-year women's college continued at Marywood until its evolution into Catholic Junior College took it downtown to Ransom Street, next door to the 大急流城 Public 图书馆.


多米尼加 prioress, 母亲伊芙琳 Mackey, with encouragement from Grand Rapid Bishop Joseph Gabriel Pinten, makes the move to transform Marywood College into a full-fledged 专科学校. Bishop Pinten lends his support on the condition that the sisters 对男女都开放学校. 要获得认证,学院需要 separate its faculty and facilities from the high-school level Marywood Academy on Fulton Street, so the decision is made to establish Catholic Junior College (CJC) in the Ransom Street property that once housed Sacred Heart Academy and is still owned 姐妹们. CJC's opening its doors to men makes it the nation's first coeducational Catholic college to be administered by a congregation of religious women.

如图所示 right: 大急流城 Catholic Junior College Ransom Avenue campus in downtown 大急流城. Classes are conducted in this four-story 19th century brick building, 另外还有两层楼. 它有两个办公室,四个教室,四个实验室,一个图书馆 还有一个小教堂. 对于大型讲座和聚会,学院使用骑士队 在街对面的哥伦布大厅. 体育课在大急流城举行 初级学院和教育课程在玛丽伍德举行. 音乐工作室 隔壁的小楼. 一间教室的窗户对着长长的后门廊 of the main building and students use them as an escape route from boring classes.

To hear GRCJC alumnus Joe Cavera talk about the student "smoker" on the Ransom Street 校园, 点击这里. This audio clip is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

平滕主教称CJC为“一个新的教区机构”... 放置在指示下 玛丽伍德的多明尼加姐妹会... 促进我们年轻人的高等教育 男人和女人按照天主教的原则.CJC的课程包括“天主教” Action, liberal arts and sciences, pre-commerce, pre-law, and courses leading to journalism 以及教学这个职业."
Left: In the early years, 多米尼加 sisters make up almost the entire faculty. 因为 their work is counted as "contributed service," they become the "living endowment" of the college, allowing the college to contain costs in its early years.    

右:富尔顿的多米尼加母亲院. 天主教专科学校学生参加 他们在这里的教育课程.

The arrangement with the 大急流城 diocese causes friction, with the bishop attempting to control faculty and administrative appointments in the college. 母亲伊芙琳 insists that the 多米尼加 order, as a "regular" order of the Catholic Church, is 不受地方教区控制的教宗机构. 最后,教区 承认学院的独立性.
Dean Burton Confrey, a layman who had written several books, becomes the academic CJC领导. 教员主要由多明尼加修女组成.
大萧条时期,CJC的学费是每学期50美元. 一项勤工俭学计划被启动 来帮助学生支付高昂的学费. 在这个新政时代,图书馆工作人员被雇佣了 用国家复兴法案的资金.
第一届CJC毕业典礼与众不同. Dr. Confrey命令,“不会有正式的 毕业典礼. 相反,在准备获得学士学位时,毕业生 像古代的骑士一样守夜."

1933 to 1935



The first student newspaper, The Lantern, is produced every other week on a mimeograph 机.


Fr. 亚瑟F. Bukowski is appointed chaplain and dean of the College, later becoming 它的主席是Dr。. Confrey的退休.

如图所示 at left in the library with students, Father 阿瑟·布可夫斯基, dean of Catholic 1934年起任大专,1937年任校长.

听我说. 阿瑟·布可夫斯基 反映 一到刑司委 点击这里 for an audio clip from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

Enrollment soars to 90 students, mostly from 大急流城, but some coming from as 远如海狸岛. 女外地学生住在埃斯特霍尔,一个住宅 在传统山由卫理公会教堂经营. 外地的男学生得到了a 附近设施一览表.



The Catholic Junior Herald replaces The Lantern as the student newspaper.
During the Depression, students use ingenuity and creativity to entertain themselves. In addition to staging shows and holding parties, an annual picnic becomes a college-wide 庆祝活动. 如图所示 here is a 1938 CJC picnic at Johnson Park on the banks of the 一条大河.

To hear Monsignor Bukowski speak of the annual Ascension Day picnic, 点击这里. This audio clip is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

Catholic Junior College features only two sports teams, baseball and basketball. 如图所示 这是1938年的棒球队.

要听GRCJC校友讲述早期的体育项目, 点击这里. This audio clip is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

Father 阿瑟·布可夫斯基, the college's first president, sits center, first row.


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