Welcome to the Aquinas 可持续性 Initiative. Together, we can systematically redesign our college to be the kind of place where the campus community loves to work 和学习. We work to accomplish the following three objectives:

  1. Improve the health of natural systems;
  2. Enhance the quality of life for the Aquinas community and our neighbors;
  3. Increasing long-term financial stability of the college

Campus 可持续性 Committees
With the establishment of standing staff, faculty, and student sustainability committees in 2006, sustainability was embedded in Aquinas' governance process. Using recommendations 由…提供. Mitch Thomashow, the college launched a new integrated committee structure in 2014 focused on the themes of community, learning, and infrastructure. 这些委员会 seek to incorporate not only sustainability but also the principles of Economicology, a term coined by Peter Wege.
Here are more details on each committee:
I.    学习: Curriculum, interpretation, and campus aesthetic
愿景: 十大赌博正规平台在线 is an intellectual incubator integrating the Catholic and Dominican traditions and the Economicology framework.

II.    社区: Governance, investment, and wellness
愿景: Demonstrating the relevancy and currency of the liberal arts, Aquinas students and faculty lead change to address contemporary human and ecological issues.

3.    基础设施: Energy, food, and materials
愿景: 十大赌博正规平台在线 is a living lab of sustainable practices.

What is 可持续性?
可持续性 means different things to different people. The word “sustainable,” according to the Encarta World English Dictionary, means “able to be maintained.这个定义 can be applied to various subject matters, including society as a whole, industry, agriculture, or family values. The concept of sustainability can be overwhelming because of the broad nature of the word. At its root, sustainability is a concept that is intuitive to most people.
What does an ant colony need to thrive? It needs fresh water, clean air, healthy food, and a suitable location for the colony. The natural world supplies these necessities to the ants and the only waste produced is fertilizer for soil. 蚁群是 an example of a sustainable society. Rather intuitive, right? 可持续性 principles can be used to restore and nourish our living environment while maintaining or improving our current standard of living.
Key concepts of sustainability come directly from the natural world. Nature uses sunlight as an energy source for all species. All waste is food for other species. 蚂蚁浪费 provides food for microorganisms that enhance soil productivity. Natural systems also 尊重多样性. If a natural disaster eliminates a particular food source, the ants simply shift to another food source. Nature does not put “all her eggs in one basket,” so why should we? Janine Benyus, author of "Biomimicry," reminds us that the natural world already has 3.85 billion years of design experience. 让我们看 to nature when designing products, businesses, or communities.
Not only can sustainability concepts be applied to ant colonies, but they can also be applied to businesses, cities, and even the 十大赌博正规平台在线 campus. 可持续发展的 business practices applied to college operations may result in a decrease in waste generation, as well as a reduction in resource and energy use. The same business practices that increase social and environmental capital also improve the long-term profitability 的公司. These win-win situations for the natural world, the community, and business will make Aquinas a better place to work, learn, and explore.
What is Economicology?

Not only does sustainability guide our journey at Aquinas, but we also take inspiration from "Economicology." The term was coined by the visionary Peter Wege to define the balance needed between the economy and ecology. The word summarizes Mr. Wege的宣传 for educating the public on the reality that a prosperous economy depends on maintaining a healthy environment. 
Economicology is driven by the 6 E:

  • 经济学
  • 环境
  • 生态
  • 道德
  • 同理心
  • 教育

The effort is funded in part, through a generous gift from the Steelcase Foundation and the Wege Foundation.