
多米尼克an lives are rooted in the four 多米尼克an pillars: 祈祷, 研究, 社区, and 服务 - all for the sake of Veritas (the truth of God’s mercy and love).

  • 祈祷: 的 多米尼克an tradition is two-fold: contemplative and communal. 在十大赌博登录官网,我们是 committed to gathering for rich liturgical prayer nourished by God’s Word and the 精神. 祈祷 leads us into the deeper Truth needed to live out God's call for us 在这个世界上.
  • 研究: We commit ourselves to a love of learning, both formal and informal. 这需要 an openness to learn from the most unlikely sources as well as tried and true scholarship.
  • 社区: We have a long tradition of working together for the common good, both within the college and beyond for racial and social justice and outreach to persons and places 有需要的.
  • 服务: Aquinas encourages students to engage in service projects in the city and service 远近各地的学习项目. 它也为职业生涯提供了准备 will enable graduates to spread the truths that they have learned - “to make a difference 在这个世界上.”

>Learn more about the Grand Rapids 多米尼克ans
>Learn more about the 多米尼克an Life USA


In the year 1215, 多米尼克 Guzman traveled to Rome to attend the Fourth Lateran Council. Later in 1216, he requested and received papal approval for his 多米尼克an Order. 多米尼克 sought official church sanction for his community because he was convinced that the preaching of the Gospel had to be done in harmony with the Church.
In this era, 多米尼克’s Order of Preachers seemed to be a radical creation.  根据 to custom, only bishops had the power to preach in the name of the Church; and now 多米尼克手下的非主教被赋予了这种权力.  强烈的反对意见 raised by some leaders of the Church, but Pope Honorius III was all too aware that preaching could be effective only if it were free of local political entanglements. 
This new order was both traditional and innovative, qualities that still characterize 今天的骑士团.  研究 was essential to the lives of the 多米尼克ans because contemplation 勤奋学习是布道的先决条件.  所以多米尼克派人 the members of his Order to the universities of the 一天 to study.  祈祷,研究中, community, and preaching/service became the four essentials of 多米尼克an life.
In the first decades of the Order friars were sent to establish houses of study at 巴黎大学和博洛尼亚大学. 多米尼加人与大学的互动 professors and students attracted many to enter the Order, among them the brilliant young Italian 托马斯。 Aquinas, who became the foremost theologian and teacher of his 一天.
是什么让托马斯成为如此优秀的老师? 首先,他认为教学是一种体现 the ideal of 多米尼克an life, because in it both contemplation and action are joined. 的 second dimension to 托马斯的s teaching is to “grasp the truth in order to share.” 的 true teacher is one who can give to others what he or she has received. 托马斯的 students understood that study was essentially exploration, that truth can never be captured fully, and that they could never rest easy with what they already knew. 学习 意味着对真理的不断探索.
多米尼克an institutions are heirs to the rich heritage and traditions provided by their 创始人多米尼克和他的追随者,如托马斯·十大赌博登录官网.


十大赌博正规平台在线 had its beginnings in the novitiate school established in 1886 by the 多米尼克an Sisters of Grand Rapids for the professional training of candidates 对会众来说. In 1922 this normal school merged with the college for lay women founded that year in conjunction with the newly-built motherhouse at Marywood. 的 new institution, known as Sacred Heart and later Marywood College, was incorporated by the State Legislature in 1922 with full power to grant degrees.
In fall 1931 the College was relocated on Ransom Avenue in downtown Grand Rapids. By an innovative move it was reorganized as coeducational Catholic Junior College. 在父亲(后来的蒙席)亚瑟·F. 布考斯基被任命为总统 in 1937, the junior college developed into a four-year school. 从1940年开始 operate as a four-year institution and was renamed 十大赌博正规平台在线.
Aquinas moved to its present campus after purchasing the former Lowe estate in 1945.  It made use of existing buildings on the property for administration and classroom 设施. Since that time a long-range expansion program has seen the construction 和/或翻新许多建筑物.  这些年来,这所学院已经发展壮大 学生、教师和工作人员的招生和多样性.  它的课程,与 liberal arts and sciences as the core, has been expanded with new courses and programs 满足各年龄段学生不断变化的需求.  虽然多米尼加人的数量 on faculty and staff has dwindled, the heritage is kept alive.


  • St. 多米尼克是Domingo de Guzmán,来自西班牙Caleruega
  • St. 多米尼克 founded the Order Friars of Preachers in Toulouse, France
  • Members of the Order Friars of Preachers became known as the Black Friars or the 多米尼克ans
  • 在艺术上,. 多米尼克 is often typified with a lily or a black and white dog, from Domini canis在拉丁语中的意思是“上帝的猎犬”
  • 教会在每年的8月8日庆祝他的节日
  • 玫瑰经是通过圣. 多米尼克,据说他收到了 它来自圣母
  • Many Church teachings stem from 多米尼克an saints have shared the fruit of their contemplation 和优雅. Out of the 33 Doctors of the Church, three are 多米尼克an:  St. 托马斯。 十大赌博登录官网,圣. 阿尔伯特大帝和圣. 锡耶纳的凯瑟琳.
  • 的re are three orders of 多米尼克ans (First:  Priests and Friars; Second:  Religious; 第三:圣. 多米尼克)
  • 多米尼克an mottos include: "Veritas" (Truth), "Contemplari et contemplata aliis tradere” (to contemplate and to give to others the fruits of our contemplation), “Laudare-benedicere-praedicare” (To praise, to bless, and to preach), "Euntes evangelizate mundum"(Go forth, and preach 给世界的好消息)
  • “手是我们内心的投射.——Carlos Aspiroz 成本a弟兄 多米尼克的现任继任者

"Arm yourself with prayer rather than a sword; wear humility rather than fine clothes," 圣多米尼克.

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