
十大赌博登录官网 has a rich history of helping build strong foundations for our students. 在 the course of the last 130+ 一年s, our graduates have gone on to solidify their own 成功之路. 我们每一位校友所开辟的这些道路都是从他们的 在十大赌博登录官网的经历.




“即使 you’re long gone, the connections the 十大赌博登录官网 community has throughout 这个世界太神奇了. 一次为圣人,永远为圣人.”


我选择十大赌博正规平台在线是因为我想成为一名领导者. 因为…的体积小 the institution, I felt I could explore leadership positions as early as my first 一年. 

As an 十大赌博正规平台在线 student, my education has taught me to search deep inside myself 克服心理障碍. 此外,教育影响了我去推动 凡事以自我为中心.

My ambitions after 十大赌博登录官网 include learning as much as I can before taking on a leadership 角色. I enjoy collaborating with people, and I feel that if given the opportunity, 我可能会成为一名出色的领导者.

成为圣徒很棒,因为我们圣徒表现出团结. 我们的骄傲使 一般学生都想来上学. 这让学校感觉不那么像学校了 更像是一个有趣的地方. 你会觉得自己更像是社区的一员. 即使 you’re long gone, the connections the 十大赌博登录官网 community has throughout the world are 令人惊异的. 一次为圣人,永远为圣人.





“十大赌博登录官网 has re-shaped and strengthened my courage and determination to conquer hard 事情,不管前面有什么障碍.”

After six 一年s of working in 儿童早期 classrooms post-high school graduation, I decided that I wanted to further my knowledge and professionalism in the field of 儿童早期. 因为我在大急流城天主教教区工作,所以我有资格 申请唐纳利奖学金,让我更容易回到大学. 

Honestly, the pure joy that I received when I walked through campus is my favorite 关于十大赌博登录官网. 每次我走过绿地或雪地时,我都感到一种荣幸 从我的车到教室的路径. 

Being surrounded by trees is exactly what my heart needs and I’ll never forget studying at the outside picnic tables anytime the sun decided to peek out from the clouds.

十大赌博登录官网 has re-shaped and strengthened my courage and determination to conquer hard 事情,不管前面有什么障碍. 教授和同学在教育 field were the village of people I needed to be successful and remain motivated.  

Amazing educators are coming from 十大赌博登录官网 because the way the program is running is the future of education and teaching and for that, it’s a great day to be a Saint!




“...there’s not a doubt in my mind the incredible friendships I’ve made at 十大赌博登录官网 会在我毕业后持续很久吗.”

I chose 十大赌博正规平台在线 because I loved that 十大赌博登录官网 was a small, liberal arts school where I would be able to create close relationships with my peers and faculty on campus. I knew that whatever school I attended I didn’t want to only be a number, and I wanted to know I could come to my professors with questions or for help in my classes.


From late-night movie nights to de-stress from classes, to fall photoshoots around campus when the leaves were changing colors, to exploring GR together, there’s not a doubt in my mind the incredible friendships I’ve made at 十大赌博登录官网 will last long 毕业后.

成为一名AQ圣徒很棒,因为 there will always be a part of me that was changed and grew in a positive way from the memorable experiences gained and the supportive 我在AQ遇到的同学和教授的社区. 我知道 这里永远是我的家.


Find yourself and follow your dreams with a quality education tailored to the future 你想象. 在大急流城的中心,十大赌博正规平台在线是一个充满活力的社区 在那里你可以分享想法,探索可能性,改变世界.





“接受ing the mantle of being an AQ Saint means acknowledging a heritage of excellence.”

十大赌博登录官网 was an excellent opportunity to continue doing all of the things that I loved: 曲棍球、数学、科学和音乐. 

我还记得我们队赢得全美曲棍球锦标赛的时候. 我不认为 我笑了一个星期. 回想起来,我不是因为大而笑 trophy we won, but rather because of the feeling of fulfillment that encapsulated me. I was acutely aware of the dedication that was required to win that tournament, and I have a lasting sense of pride in all of the hard work that was put into that 季节.

接受ing the mantle of being an AQ Saint means acknowledging a heritage of excellence. To claim that you are an AQ Saint means you accept the challenge that is extended 致我们每一个人. We strive for greatness in each endeavor, we study rigorously, we practice 我们坚持不懈地与目标竞争. 成为一名AQ圣徒很棒,因为 when you live by these expectations, your life is enriched with challenges and opportunities 你从来没有想过这是可能的.





“当时一个亲密的朋友告诉了我关于十大赌博登录官网的事. 我做了一些调查和交谈 to my family, who thought that a smaller 学校对我来说是一个很好的社区. 他们是对的.”

我当时17岁,非常困惑. 我想出去过自己的生活,但是 我不知道该去哪里,也不知道怎么去. 当时的一位密友告诉我的 关于十大赌博登录官网. 我做了一些调查,并和我的家人谈过,他们认为这是一个较小的 学校对我来说是一个很好的社区. 他们是对的.

我记得我是怎么熬过第一学期的. 我的教授关心的是怎么做 I did; they wanted me to succeed. 每个人都那么亲切,那么自在 and kind that I felt a deep responsibility to push myself more and more over time. This effort toward becoming a better person, of finding grace and forgiving others and myself — 十大赌博登录官网 embodied all of this, and, I hope, filled me with some of its 美德.

成年后,我们常常被置于一种跑步机上. 速度加快了,但是 我们什么也没得到. 有一种难以捉摸的承诺通过更努力的工作,尝试 more, being faster, smarter and quicker, we will find joy, not only for ourselves 也为我们身边的每一个人. 十大赌博登录官网并不担心跑步机. 这是 一个正念、耐心和爱的堡垒. 它强调慈善、学习和同情. 它教会了我给予的快乐和社区的祝福. 这些事情是如此的 珍惜十大赌博登录官网,并赋予那些去那里的人意义.




“知识和经验 that I gained at 十大赌博登录官网 opened social, economic and 几代人以来,政治之门一直对我的家族关闭.”

我是在一次大学博览会上发现十大赌博登录官网的. 我已经决定上大学了 在俄亥俄州,但是十大赌博登录官网的代表非常热情. 我学得越多 我越觉得这所大学符合我的价值观. 所以我决定 转而关注十大赌博登录官网.

十大赌博登录官网在我的信仰旅程中扮演了关键的角色. 我在校园事工的经历 大学社区帮助巩固了我作为天主教女性的身份. 它帮助 me examine what I believe and why, and that motivated me to share my faith with others.

十大赌博登录官网学习期间,我在哥斯达黎加和西班牙学习. 那些深刻的经历 影响了我对世界的理解以及我在其中的位置. 我成为了一个更好的沟通者 和谈判. 这些经历也让我更有创造力和适应力. 毕业后, I started working in international education, and 20 一年s later I’m still helping 大学为学生创造文化体验. 

As a first-generation college student, the impact of my education went beyond myself 作为个人. 它影响了我的整个家庭. 知识和经验 that I gained at 十大赌博登录官网 opened social, economic and political doors that had been 是我家几代人的传家宝.




Xav餐饮公司的老板 & Xav的牙买加融合餐车

“One of the best aspects of 十大赌博登录官网 is how the faculty and staff encourage students 积极参与十大赌博登录官网."


我来十大赌博登录官网是为了越野跑. 我来自纽约,所以我没有机会 周围有许多草地和树木在成长. 看过之后,我选择了十大赌博登录官网 the gorgeous pictures of the campus that were sent to me during recruitment.

My education at 十大赌博登录官网 helped me become the leader and business owner I am today. Having small class sizes where I was able to connect with my professors allowed me 成长和发展我的技能. 我也认为通过文科,能够 to take a variety of classes shaped my views on how to approach various situations 在我的职业生涯中遇到过的.

One of the best aspects of 十大赌博登录官网 is how the faculty and staff encourage students 积极参与十大赌博登录官网. 在我上大学的时候,我把这句话牢记在心. 甚至有人给我起了个外号叫“先生”. 十大赌博登录官网.“我参加了所有我能参加的活动,而且非常 积极参加俱乐部和组织.

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