作者:Mir和a Burel ' 17



拥有双学位 生物学西班牙语, 和 a minor in German, Azra Fazil ’16 appears to have a lot on her plate. 但这 has not stopped her from taking advantage of the great opportunities presented to 她在十大赌博登录官网的时候.

A junior enrolled in the Insignis Honors Program, Fazil speaks four languages, has been involved with service-learning, 和 has participated in the Summer Scholars Research 博士指导下的项目. 卡门·瑞兹-桑切斯,西班牙语副教授.

Fazil was born in Germany, just one year after her family fled Bosnia during the war. The family remained in Germany for about six years, before moving to America in August 1996年,法齐尔开始上幼儿园. “这是一个很好的开场白,”她说, when asked how her background has shaped her experience at Aquinas. “人们想要 know about your experiences, they want to know more, 和 they are genuinely interested 在你的故事里.”

Speaking Bosnian at home, Fazil became bilingual at an early age, which gave her an 在学习其他语言方面的优势. 已经懂德语了 在她的腰带下,西班牙语给她带来了最大的困难. 但她的犹豫带着 西班牙语 was changed after she spent a summer researching the uses of the pronoun yo (一)各种方言. Fazil和Dr. 鲁伊斯-桑切斯对移民进行了采访 来自西班牙语国家,在大急流城地区. “我能够进步 my 西班牙语 speaking 和 interviewing skills during this research, 和 I was able to 更好地识别口音,”她说. “这项研究真的提高了我的信心 能力.” The pair took special note of the relationship between the 西班牙语 和 English languages, how they influence each other, 和 how they are changed over time.

“Azra is an intelligent, mature, 和 hard-working young woman who has been a pleasure 在课堂上和一起工作. 她的充分参与值得高度肯定 和 enthusiastic engagement in every step of the study,” said Dr. Ruiz-Sanchez. “I supervised all of her work 和 was very impressed by her skills as a researcher, 和 especially by the accurateness of her transcriptions [of the interviews] since these 对于一个非母语人士来说是非常具有挑战性的吗.阿兹拉在 2015年4月学生座谈会.

During her sophomore year, Fazil had the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia with AQ服务学习之旅. 最初被城市环境所吸引,援助 in schools, 和 the work in soup kitchens, Fazil enjoyed her time on the trip 和 能有幸在接下来的秋天领导它吗. “这是一个很好的志愿服务方式 get involved when you don’t have much time throughout the rest of the school year.” Due to her busy schedule, Fazil, like most college students, doesn’t have the time to volunteer in the community like she wants to 和 said that service-learning trips 提供一个很好的选择.

As an Insignis student, Fazil said she is now fully able to enjoy the benefits of 这个项目. “I’m taking my first Insignis Humanities class this year, 和 I have 学到了很多!” She hopes to focus her senior project on 生物学 since she has already 为她的西班牙语专业做研究.

Expecting to graduate in December of 2016, Fazil wants to go on to medical school 专注于病理学或微生物学. 她希望她的住院医生工作 荷兰之家的护理员会让她占上风. 但是如果医学院没有 然后她希望能拿到博士学位.D. 医学研究微生物学或 病理.

Fazil has made the most of her time here, 和 said “Because of Aquinas, I can encourage others to take full advantage of their college experience through research, service 学习,参与社区活动."作为对年轻人和 法齐尔说,未来的学生应该慢慢来. “不要压垮自己, 你不需要有计划. 你可能要多待一学期或一年,但是 没关系. Opportunities arise during your time here, 和 you should embrace them.”