
莫莉·威尔逊心理学 心理学 is the science of mind, brain, and behavior in humans and animals.

The scope of the field encompasses all aspects of cognition (thinking), affect (feelings), and behavior with the dual goals of understanding the human experience and using this 用科学知识改善生活.

The bachelor of science in psychology degree programs at 十大赌博正规平台在线 emphasize the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the scientific method and the application of these to solving problems and helping people.







Are you interested in helping others and drawn to the medical field? 十大赌博登录官网是其中之一 在美国只有少数几所大学.S. to offer a program specific to the 儿童生活专业.


CAST (Child Advocacy Studies) Certificate Program

CAST training focuses on supporting those working on the front lines with children and families to better recognize and respond to signs of child abuse and neglect.





Check out the current and past research that Aquinas students do with faculty to further 世界的知识.



You can learn through psych-related field trips and mentoring from other students.



People with bachelor degrees in psychology work in a variety of settings including business, government and healthcare and are well prepared to pursue graduate education in any of the many sub学科 of the field of psychology or related mental health 学科. People with graduate degrees in psychology or related fields work in higher education as researchers, teachers and consultants or work in clinical settings providing assessment, evaluation, mental health, administrative and rehabilitative 服务. Many work in more than one of these activities. 例如,大多数研究人员 also teach, and many university teachers also provide clinical 服务, and some practitioners also teach or do research.

A career as a professional psychologist or related mental health professional requires 硕士或博士学位. The BS in 心理学 at 十大赌博正规平台在线 provides excellent preparation for graduate school with approximately 80% of graduates pursuing graduate training in psychology or related fields including the Master of Art in Clinical Mental AQ健康辅导.

On the other hand, because psychology students are trained in critical thinking, observation, and the complexities of human functioning, the BS in psychology is highly valued in 多种职业道路. Graduates with the BS in 心理学 work in business settings, human 服务, human resources, law enforcement, mental health and a variety of other 区域. 看到 American Psychological Association's Guide to Careers in 心理学

 Examples of career options for bachelor-level psychology graduates include:

  • 援助es in educating or caring for the emotionally disturbed or developmentally disabled
  • 援助es and activity specialists in day care or respite setting for children or older 成年人
  • 社区精神卫生工作者
  • 进行调查研究的计算机分析员
  • 药物滥用项目工作者
  • 社会服务机构工作者
  • 组织管理人员
  • Customer service and customer relations employees
  • 法律助手
  • Police officers, probation officers and court employees
  • 作者和编辑
  • 私人教练或形象顾问

For more information about career options see: http://whatcanidowiththismajor.com/major/psychology/

To make an appointment with Career Services to learn more see: http://aqcareertools.campuscareerinnovations.com/

2022年薪酬中位数 每年85,330美元
相关职业的工作经验 没有一个
在职培训 实习/实习
就业岗位数量,2022年 196,000
就业展望,2022-32 6%(和平均水平一样快)
就业变化,2022-32 12,000

来源: 劳工统计局





"I love being a psychology major at AQ because my professors are so welcoming. 我真的 believe that they care about my future and I appreciate everything that they do for me!"