
Ask a teacher panel sits at the front of the room while an audience member raises their hand

The 十大赌博正规平台在线 School of Education is excited to launch its new Elementary and 二次专业. 组织围绕密歇根州教育部的等级乐队 认证结构. 我们的课程为教师候选人提供重点准备 grade bands with specialized knowledge about the students and content they will teach; defined clinical experiences and foundational coursework for each grade band (PK-3, 3-6, 5-9, and 7-12); unique preparation for instructing children at each developmental level, including middle-level learners; and enhanced content knowledge preparation 适合中学教师.

At 十大赌博正规平台在线, we strive to prepare teachers who are equipped to make a difference in the world. By incorporating hands-on learning, modeling effective teaching methods, and providing extensive clinical practice opportunities in the field, we ensure that our education students acquire the skills they need to become effective educators.

Our field supervisors and clinical coaches provide feedback and support not just during undergraduate clinical field placements, but also into graduates’ first year of teaching. At AQ, we view teaching as a vocational profession that integrates reflective practice 终身学习.

The mission of our program aligns with the social justice mission of the Dominican Sisters when we embrace critical conversations about anti-racism, diversity, and equity in education and strive to prepare educators who are competent, compassionate, and 致力于为所有学习者服务.





  1. Appropriately engage with learners across developmental stages with insight and skill 关于学习差异.
  2. Construct learning environments that engage all learners with equity and inclusion.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and skill in a variety of instructional practices, approaches to assessment monitoring and decision-making, and planning for instruction.
  4. Effectively integrate technology into their instruction as well as a student’s construction 跨内容领域的知识.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge and skill regarding discipline-specific tools of inquiry and the structure of the disciplines they teach, and create learning experiences that make learning the discipline accessible and meaningful to students to ensure content mastery.
  6. Connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem-solving related to authentic local and global issues.
  7. Engage in ongoing professional learning using evidence to continually evaluate their practice and the effects of their choices and actions on others in the learning community, 包括临床经验和大学课堂空间.
  8. Collaborate as a professional with learners, families, and colleagues to ensure learner 发展和推进专业. 



At 十大赌博正规平台在线 you not only receive high-quality teacher preparation, but you have the opportunity to simultaneously earn your Catechist certification. Required by most Catholic schools, this certification increases your marketability and lessens 第一年的教学压力. 要求因教区而异,请咨询 你的教区的细节和期望.


High-school students who have successfully completed a teacher academy or teacher cadet program while in high school can apply for prior learning credits as a substitute 我们的教育导论课程. 至少30小时的文件 需要在PK12学校进行临床实习. 请与相关部门联系 information at schoolofed@salamzone.com.

CAEP ShieldThe School of Education at 十大赌博正规平台在线 is 1 of 147 providers in the U.S. meeting new, rigorous CAEP national accreditation standards to better prepare tomorrow’s teachers. CAEP is the sole nationally recognized accrediting body for educator preparation. CAEP was created by the consolidation of the National Council for Accreditation of 教师教育和教师教育认证委员会. 它是统一的 accreditation system intent on raising the performance of all institutions focused 论教育工作者的准备. 

CAEP Details

The School of Education at 十大赌博正规平台在线 is hosting an accreditation visit by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) on October 7-9, 2024. Interested parties are invited to submit third-party comments to the evaluation team.



职业就业和工资- 2022年5月

就业估计和平均工资估计 小学教师, 特殊教育除外

Employment 平均年薪
1,394,200 $68,000



Percentile 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
Annual Wage $45,450 $49,120 $61,690 $78,860 $101,310

更多信息请参见: 劳工统计局

职业就业和工资- 2022年5月

就业估计和平均工资估计 中学教师, 特殊及职业/技术教育除外

Employment 平均年薪
1,042,090 $69,480



Percentile 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
Annual Wage $46,480 $50,090 $62,360 $79,520 $101,710

更多信息请参见: 劳工统计局



十大赌博正规平台在线 offers Masters in the Art of Teaching and Masters in Education degrees. 探索我们的研究生课程,把你的教育到新的高度.



The Education department has compiled resources to help our students find employment 毕业后. 查看当地和州内的就业机会.





Check out the current and past research that Aquinas students do with faculty to further 世界的知识.阅读更多关于学生研究的内容


1 of 147经CAEP认证的供应商